The Pro Steel Engineering team has now concluded its epic workload over recent months bringing the Principality Stadium’s SCALE attraction to life. This week marked the public opening of the venture between the WRU and Wire & Sky to provide unprecedented views of the Cardiff skyline as you scale, zip line and drop from the iconic building.
Richard Selby, director and co-founder, Pro Steel Engineering said: “We’re thrilled to see the new SCALE attraction open and being enjoyed already by members of the public. I’ve had a go myself and it isn’t for the faint-hearted but it’s been brilliant to be part of this innovative venture at one of Wales’ most iconic venues, the Principality Stadium. Stadiums or big buildings that would otherwise sit untapped are being brought to life through creative ways just like this one at the home of rugby in Wales.
“The work involved developing structural engineering designs and calculations, adding them into manufacturing drawings, before galvanising and manufacturing the products in the factory in Pontypool. The process took over a year and deadlines were hit in order to open as promised this Spring. All in all, we’ve added over 120 tonnes of steel to the existing stadium structure here in Cardiff which it was easily able to accommodate.”
Details about the attraction can be found here: