Delivered in conjunction with Gwent Police for exceptional contribution to the communities of Gwent, the award was presented to co-founder and director Richard Selby, by current High Sheriff Tim Russen, and Dame Claire Clancy (past High Sheriff).

The annual Gwent Corporate Shrievalty Award was launched this year. By making the award, the High Sheriffs want to honour businesses who consistently go above and beyond the call of duty to protect and develop their communities. This award recognises those businesses who make an exceptional contribution to the prospects of local communities and so help to provide a safer and better quality of life for the people of Gwent.

Tim Russen, High Sheriff of Gwent said: “One of the most important and pleasurable engagements performed by a High Sheriff is to formally recognise those among us who do so much to enhance the life of the community. They routinely exceed our expectations, and the positive impact they have on the lives of others cannot be overestimated. I can think of no more worthy recipient of the first Gwent Corporate Shrievalty Award than Richard Selby and Pro Steel Engineering and it is therefore with the greatest of pleasure that I present the award.”

Richard said: “On behalf of Pro Steel, I am thrilled to accept this award. We’re proud to be located in Gwent and strive to contribute locally as much as we possibly can. I’m grateful for everyone taking the time to visit us and present the award.”

Pam Kelly, Chief Constable, Gwent Police said in a letter congratulating Richard and his team: “Pro Steel’s investment of both time and fundraising towards the Prince’s Trust in Wales has made a real difference to young people in our communities. I am also aware of the significant amount of support that was also offered by Pro Steel to other local good causes in Gwent, and am humbled by your willingness to give back to our local communities.”